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Tim Williams “Mapping of the Silk Road”;
Leonardo Gregoratti “Parthian Empire and the Political Role of the Silk Road: Romans, Jews, Nomads, and Chinese”
Rachel Mairs “Heroes and Philosophers? Greek Personal Names and their Bearers in Hellenistic Bactria”
Eivind Heldaas Seland “Preconditions of Palmyrene Long-distance trade: Land, River, and Maritime routes in the first three centuries CE.”
Ulrike-Christiane Lintz “Survey of Judaeo-Persion Tombstone Inscriptions from Djām, Cnetral Afghanistan"
Djamilya Kurbanova “History of Musical Culture of Turkmenistan: From Ancient Merv to Modern Times”
Borbala Obrusanszky “Nestorian Christianity in the Ordos in Inner Mongolia"
Bin Yang “Cowry Shells and the Emergent World Trade System (1500 BCE-1700 CE)”
Michael Laver “The Maritime Silk Road: Silver and Silk in Japan's Trade with Asia in the 16th /17th Centuries”
Gerald Roche “Village Ritual and Frontier History on the Northeast Tibetan Plateau: the Mangghuer Nadun.”
Update May 5: I've posted a PDF of my chapter at academia.edu. Several of the other chapters can also be found there.